The best part about early mornings is getting to see Pam! Thank you for your commitment to yourself and supporting local. You always radiate positive energy and support to our fellow yogis which is what we are all about! Thank you! ~Beth

Read more about Pam's journey below:
Share a little bit about yourself
My name is Pamela Hoth, but people call me Pam, Pammy, Pand & even Ham! I have lived in the Bangor area forever, met my husband here in Bangor and our families live here too. I have a teenager who keeps me on my toes, and I enjoy being with family & friends, crafting, hiking, taking walks & sometimes running races... as long as I'm not the only one who is running.
What is your yoga journey.
I attended my first yoga class over 20 years ago when I was in college, I then proceeded to do Pilates classes off & on for years. The past 5 years I have attended regular classes to work on core strength. My body gets sore & muscles are always tight, plus my job takes a toll on my back, neck & shoulders, so over the years I have figured out that I need this in my life so i can continue doing the job that I love. I joined Be Still Yoga in June to replace the Pilates class I was currently in, because it was local & convenient. Beth had more hours available and class options, I quickly found out that Beth provides WAY more than just "yoga".
What is your favorite class?
I love Christ Centered Yin to help clear my mind & learn to meditate. Gentle Yoga & Flow to work on balance & stretching my tight muscles. Gentle Strength helps strengthen my arms, legs & core. And then there is Fusion... at first, I compared it to boot camp. If you want to get strong & burn calories, Fusion is the class. It has become my favorite class, get to it & see results!
What keeps you coming back to yoga?
Beth has a calming & encouraging personality. I WANT to go back to see her, I WANT to go back to clear my mind, I WANT to go back to get stronger & continue to feel better about myself. I WANT to see what I can accomplish in the next class.